Monday, May 20, 2013

Warblers Everywhere at Springbrook

 The warblers were in full migration at Springbrook Nature Center yesterday during our bird banding event.  We caught 95 birds and 26 different species.

This was a rare chance to see these little warblers up close as well as high up in the trees.

This Magnolia Warbler was one of several we caught, banded, and released.
 This is the only Yellow Warbler we caught in the mist nets, but there were many singing and flying in the nature center. 

It has only taken nature about a week to catch up now that the long winter has finally let go.  There seemed to be lots of insects in the trees where these warblers were feeding
 This Mourning Warbler was a second year male, which can be told by the small and not completely black "bib" under the gray throat.  But still a very pretty bird that only passes through this area during spring and fall migration.
 This Chestnut Sided Warbler was one of several we caught in the nets.  This one is probably a female, as the "chestnut" on the sides does not extend down the side beyond the legs, and the crown patch is mottled greenish yellow, instead of solid bright yellow.

Banding these transient visitors is time consuming since each bird needs data recorded and complicated identification keys are needed to assure accuracy of ID, age and sex.
 This very handsome male Wilson's Warbler is an easy one to identify because of the very black crown on its head, offset with the bright yellow surrounding it.
Male Red Starts are easy to see flitting in the trees with their black bodies offset with the red patches on their wings, tails, and sides.

It is always a great pleasure to see the warblers return in the spring from their winters in Central and South America.

They will only be here for a few days so I plan on seeing as many as possible before they have continued their migration north.

For a few, like this Red Start, their journey may be finished, since some will nest right here in Springbrook.

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